Protector Shelf
Fabricate top of 1.8 mm thick 14 gage stainless steel with all edges rolled
down 180 degrees for 38 mm 1.5 inches with bullnosed corners. Shelf to be
minimum 250 mm 10 inches wide.
Shelf Frame
Provide 25 by 25 mm one by one inch, 1.5 mm thick 16 gagestainless steel
square tubing under all edges of shelf at 750 mm 30 inches on center.
Shelf Frame Support
Form front uprights of 30 by 30 mm 1.25 by 1.25 inch, 1.5 mm thick 16 gage
stainless steel tubing. Form back uprights of 25 by 25 mm one by one inch,
1.5 mm thick 16 gage stainless steel square tubing. Provide a horizontal
brace, 25 mm one inch above bottom of front uprights. Space front uprights
750 mm 30 inchesapart or less, fit with die-formed flanges to be attached
to counter top from underside with bolts, and slope 10 degrees to rear.
Protector Glass
6 mm0.25 inch thick, tempered plate glass. Frame edges of glass with 13 mm
0.5 inch, 0.09 mm thick 20 gage stainless steel channel. Glass to be
easily replaced in the event of breakage. Provide glass end panels.
Drip Gutter
Provide as integral part of counter tops, where indicated. Provide a 25 mm
one inch brass drain tube centered in bottom of gutter with bottom pitched
to drain. Drip gutter to be 100 mm wide, 25 mm deep 4 inches wide, one
inch deep, and length indicated. Provide removable, stainless steel,
die-stamped, anti-splash strainer with finger hole.
Sound-Deadening of Counters and Sinks
NOTE: Include sound deadening only when dining area
is exposed to food service equipment.
Sound-deaden all counter tops and sinks with minimum of 3 mm 0.125 inch
thick, hard-drying, sound-deadening mastic material. Spray mastic onto
surface after reinforcing members have been applied. Dry smoothly without
leaving crevices.
Dishwasher Counters
Rolled front rim, 250 mm 10 inch high backsplash, support channels and
undershelves where indicated.
Drain Troughs
Provide across each end of counters that attach to dishwasher.
Scrap Sink
Provide 1.8 mm thick 14 gage stainless steel sink, 500 by 500 by 250 mm 20
by 20 by 10 inches deep, integral with soiled dish counter top. Provide
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