Unit shall be [[semi][fully] recessed][[pedestal][_____]] mounted. Unit
shall have a [75] [_____] mm [3] [_____] inch high header lettering as
shown. Unit shall have a [_____] 9.3 mm 3/8 inch face door frame with
concealed hinges and locking system. Door frame shall be [aluminum with
[satin][black][dark bronze]][solid [polished][satin][chrome plated] brass]
[solid architectural bronze][_____].
Message Strips
NOTE: Photo negative replaceable message strips are
available from manufacturer via 7-10 day delivery,
FAX order, or coupon book order.
Message strips shall be photo negative type updatable by user with book
reordering and with 7 to 10 day delivery. Message strips shall be [9.3 x
[87] [175] [275] mm 3/8 x [3.5] [7] [11] inches][12.5 x [175] [275] mm 1/2
x [7] [11] inches][_____].
Changeable Letter/Message Strip Directory System
Directory shall consist of [an internally illuminated][a non-illuminated]
unit with [step or groove, laser or rotary engraved removable name strips]
[felt grooved for changeable letters][cast vinyl to receive molded
changeable letter tiles][laminated plastic magnetic back message strips].
Design of unit shall be as shown in the drawings.
The directory shall be constructed of an aluminum [50] [_____] mm [2]
[_____] inch deep frame with satin [black][dark bronze][_____] anodized
finish. Unit shall be [surface][[semi] [fully] recessed][[pedestal]
[_____]] mounted. Unit shall have a [75] [_____] mm [3] [_____] inch high
header with lettering as shown. Unit shall have a [9.3] [_____] mm [3/8]
[_____] inch face [[concealed hinge door and locking system][lift off
frame]] with [[tempered safety glass][_____]][fixed frame][_____]. Door
frame shall be [aluminum with satin [black][dark bronze]][solid [polished]
[satin][chrome plated] brass][solid architectural bronze][_____].
Message Strips
[Namestrips shall be updatable by user with coupon book reordering and with
5 to 7 day delivery. Namestrips shall be [[acrylic][_____]][sized per
manufacturer's standard][_____].] [Namestrips shall be felt grooved
background with changeable upper and lower case [Helvetica Medium][_____]
letters. Tabbed vinyl letters and numbers shall be furnished in accordance
with the [drawings] [and] [schedule].]
Touchscreen Electronic Directory System
NOTE: The touchscreen electronic directory system
is a limited usage item and must be fully justified
prior to being specified.
Touchscreen electronic directory system shall be a complete turnkey system
consisting of touchscreen monitor, processor, update terminal with software
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