applied to panel using the silkscreen process. Silkscreened images
shall be executed with photo screens prepared from original art.
Handcut screens will not be accepted. Original art shall be defined as
artwork that is a first generation reproduction of the specified art.
This method is generally used for mass produced signs. Edges and
corners shall be clean.]
[Surface Applied Photopolymer: Integral graphics and braille achieved
by photomechanical stratification processes. Photopolymer used for ADA
compiant graphics shall be of the type that has a minimum durometer
reading of 90. Tactile graphics must be raised .8 mm 1/32 inch from
the first surface of plaque by photomechanical stratification process.]
[Engraved Copy: Machine engrave letters, numbers, symbols, and other
graphics into panel sign on face to produce precisely formed copy and
sharp images, incised to uniform depth. Melamine plastic engraving
stock used for ADA compliant graphic shall be three-ply lamination
contrasting color core meeting ASTM D 635]
[Graphic Blast Raised Copy: Background is sandblasted to a uniform
depth of .8 mm 1/32 inch leaving raised text and Braille. Background
shall be painted with polyurethane paint.]
[Embossed: Methods other than sandblasting such as vacuum formed to
create ADA compliant projected graphics.]
[[Cast][Fabricated][Solid] Aluminum Letters: [3] [6] [_____] mm [1/8]
[1/4][_____] inch thick shall be provided and fastened to the message
panel with concealed fasteners.]
Letters and numbers on indicated signs which do not designate permanent
rooms or spaces shall have a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and
a stroke-width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10. Characters and
numbers on indicated signs shall be sized according to the viewing distance
from which they are to be read. The minimum height is measured using an
upper case letter "X". Lower case characters are permitted. Suspended or
projected overhead signs shall have a minimum character height of 75 mm 3
Raised and Brailled Characters and Pictorial Symbol Signs (Pictograms)
Raised and brailled characters and symbols are only required on signs that
designate permanent rooms or spaces, including restrooms and room numbers.
They are not required for information or way-finding signs. Raised letters
and numbers on signs must protrude 0.8 mm 1/32 inch upper case, sans serif
or simple serif type and shall be accompanied with Grade 2 Braille. Raised
characters shall be at least 16 mm 5/8 inch in height, but no higher than
50 mm 2 inches. Pictograms shall be accompanied by the equivalent verbal
description placed directly below the pictogram. The border dimension of
the pictogram shall be 152 mm 6 inches minimum in height. Indicated
accessible facilities shall use the international symbol of accessibility.
Building directories shall be lobby directories or floor directories, and
shall be provided with a changeable directory listing consisting of the
areas, offices and personnel located within the facility. Dimensions,
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