SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Door Description
Information bound in manual form consisting of manufacturer's
safety precautions, preventative maintenance and schedules,
troubleshooting procedures, special tools, parts list, and spare
parts data. All material shall be cross referenced to the door
designations shown on the drawings.
NOTE: Unlike most other doors, a blast door is
provided by one manufacturer as a complete assembly
including the door, frame, hardware, and
accessories. This must be done because items such
as the door, frame, latches, and hinges are of
special manufacture and are interdependent parts of
of individual door assemblies, the door type, blast
effects, rebound, deformation limits, operating
forces, hardware, and accessories for each door are
brought together under a blast door assembly
specification in Part 2 where assembly specification
paragraphs for the various door types are provided.
The designer will become familiar with these
assembly paragraphs prior to specification editing.
Coordinate with paragraph BLAST DOOR ASSEMBLIES.
[Structural steel doors shall be [flush mounted in frames] [or] [surface
mounted] [as indicated].] [Reinforced concrete doors shall be surface
mounted.] [Hollow metal doors shall be flush mounted in frames.] Doors
shall be the manually operated, side hinged, swinging type. Each door
assembly shall include the door, frame, anchors, hardware, and accessories
and shall be provided by a single manufacturer. Frames and anchors shall
be capable of transferring blast and rebound reactions to the adjacent
supporting structure. Resistance to blast shall be demonstrated either by
design calculations or tests on prototype door assemblies.
Static Material Strength
The static values for minimum yield strength (or yield point) and
(ultimate) tensile strength for steel shall be obtained from the applicable
material specification. For tensile strength specified in terms of a
tensile strength range, the lowest tensile strength specified shall be
selected for design. Structural steel having a minimum static yield
strength (or yield point) less than 345 MPa 50 ksi [and Grade 60
reinforcing bars] shall be designed using an average yield strength
computed as 1.1 times the minimum static yield strength or yield point. If
the minimum static yield for structural steel exceeds 345 MPa 50 ksi, the
expected yield strength used for design shall be equal to the minimum
specified static yield strength or yield point without increase. [The
by multiplying the specified compressive strength by 1.1 to reach the
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