other approved dynamic analysis method. The maximum door deformation shall
be selected by the door manufacturer except that the maximum deformation in
flexure shall not exceed the deformation limits specified or indicated.
The deformation of structural steel members having a minimum yield strength
or yield point greater than 448 MPa 65 ksi shall not exceed the elastic
deflection. [Increased resistance due to strain hardening of structural
steel in flexure can be used when the ductility ratio exceeds 10 or when
otherwise approved.] [The ductility ratio for flexural members in hollow
metal doors shall not exceed 1.0.]
Rebound Resistance
NOTE: For structural steel and hollow metal doors,
specify 100 percent rebound resistance in the
extreme case when the blast overpressure duration is
much shorter than the expected period of the door
Specify less than 50 percent rebound resistance in
the extreme case when the blast overpressure
duration is much longer than the expected period of
the door. Specify zero rebound in the extreme case
in which the door need not remain in place after the
blast. Otherwise, specify 50 percent rebound
resistance as recommended in TM 5-1300, Chapter 5.
The most prevalent rebound resistance for reinforced
concrete doors is 20 and 100 percent.
Rebound for each door will be specified in paragraph
Rebound resistance shall be the specified or indicated percentage of the
door resistance at initial peak response.
Blast Effects
NOTE: Specifying doors in terms of overpressure
without duration is recommended only when the
overpressure is low and the overpressure duration is
greater than about 10 times the expected period of
the door. Overpressure without duration is often
specified for hollow metal doors because they have
low overpressure resistance. Hollow metal doors are
available to resist overpressures in the range from
6 to 173 kPa (1 to 25 psi), but a structural steel
door option should be considered when the
overpressure exceeds 83 kPa (12 psi).
Specifying time dependent overpressure is required
for other than low and long duration overpressures
and is recommended for reinforced concrete doors.
When the waveform is other than a zero rise time
triangle, show the waveform on the drawings.
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