SD-06 Test Reports
Tests[; G][; G, [_____]]
Tests, Inspections, and Verifications
Shop and field operating test reports that include values for
opening and closing forces and times, forces required to operate
latches, and a description of all operating tests performed.
Fire Rating Test and Inspection[; G][; G, [_____]]
In lieu of a UL listing for fire door assemblies, a letter may
be submitted by the testing laboratory which identifies the
submitted product by manufacturer and type or model and certifies
that it has tested a sample assembly and issued a current listing.
Prototype Static Test[; G][; G, [_____]]
Prototype Blast Test[; G][; G, [_____]]
Certified test reports demonstrating blast resistance. Test
reports shall include the name and location of the testing agency
or laboratory, a description of the testing apparatus, the date of
the tests, a description of the door specimen tested, descriptions
of loadings, and the value of measured peak door deflection and
peak permanent set. Test reports shall include analysis and
interpretation of test results.
SD-07 Certificates
Materials[; G][; G, [_____]]
Steel mill reports covering the number, chemical composition,
and tension properties for structural quality steels. When blast
resistance is demonstrated by calculations, a certificate stating
that the door assembly provided was manufactured using the same
materials, dimensions, and tolerances shown in the calculations.
When blast resistance is demonstrated by prototype testing, a
certificate stating that door and frame provided was manufactured
using the same materials, dimensions, and tolerances as the tested
prototype and listing the hardware and frame anchors required to
achieve blast resistance. Each certificate shall be signed by an
official authorized to certify in behalf of the manufacturer and
shall identify the door assembly and date of shipment or delivery
to which the certificate applies.
Fire-Rated Door Assemblies[; G][; G, [_____]]
Certificate of inspection conforming to NFPA 80, NFPA 80A, and
NFPA 101 for fire doors exceeding the size for which label service
is available.
Thermal Insulation[; G][; G, [_____]]
Sound Rating Test[; G][; G, [_____]]
Certification or test report for [thermal insulated] [sound
rated] doors listing the type of hardware used to achieve the
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