Designer Qualifications[; G][; G, [_____]]
Fabricator Qualifications[; G][; G, [_____]]
Installer Qualifications[; G][; G, [_____]]
Core Logging and Soil Sampling[; G][; G, [_____]]
The qualifications and experience records shall be submitted for
approval. Experience records shall identify all the individuals
responsible for the anchors and shall include a listing of
projects of similar scope performed within the specified period
along with points of contact. The Contractor shall submit the
qualifications prior to the installation of any anchors specified
in this section.
Installation Plan[; G][; G, [_____]]
The Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer for
review and comment a plan for installing the [soil] [rock]
anchors. The proposal shall describe the sequence for
installation and other restrictions as outlined on the drawings or
specified. The anchor [and casing] installation procedures shall
be determined by the Contractor as part of the anchor design. The
installation plan shall also include descriptions of methods and
equipment to be used by the Contractor for alignment checking of
anchor holes [and casings].
SD-05 Design Data
Design Computations[; G][; G, [_____]]
The Contractor shall furnish design computations and data for
the [soil] [rock] anchors, bearing plates, and bond zones. The
computations shall include drawings, design assumptions,
calculations, and other information in sufficient detail to verify
the design proposed. The design shall be certified by a
registered Professional Engineer with proven experience in design
of [soil] [rock] anchor components as stated in paragraph
Qualifications. Calculations shall be included for the stressing
frames. The Contracting Officer will approve the Contractor's
design calculations. Approval of the Contractor's design
calculations will not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for
unsatisfactory performance of the installed [soil] [rock] anchors.
All design computations shall be furnished at least [30] [ ]
calendar days prior to the proposed commencement of drilling.
Anchor Design[; G][; G, [_____]]
The Contractor shall furnish a design schedule for the anchors
which includes the following:
Anchor number.
Anchor design load.
Type and size of tendon.
Minimum total anchor length.
Minimum bond length.
Minimum tendon bond length
Minimum unbonded length.
Details of corrosion protection, including details of
anchorage and installation
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