the Contractor to facilitate the design of the
anchor system. The anchor location, Design Load
determined by the design of the structure being
anchored. If the design load cannot be determined
by the Designer, this determination may be assigned
to the Contractor, in which case, the specification
must be appropriately modified. The Contractor will
also be required to redesign the anchored structure
to the extent required to accommodate the anchor
design loads. Assumed soil or rock to grout bond
strength will be determined from testing of the soil
or rock in which the anchors are to be installed.
Minimum required bond length will be determined in
accordance with PTI 4, Section 6.7. Type of
grouting material will be determined by site
conditions and the structure being anchored. Type
of corrosion protection required will be determined
in accordance with PTI 4, Section 5.4
The individual [soil] [rock] anchors shall be designed to meet the
following criteria:
Anchor Location - as shown on the drawings.
Horizontal [and] [Vertical] Spacing - [_____] m feet minimum, [_____] m
feet maximum.
Hole Diameter - [_____] mm inches minimum, [_____] mm inches maximum.
Design Load - [_____] N kips.
Assumed [Soil-][Rock-]Grout Bond Strength [_____] MPa psi.
Minimum Unbonded Length - [4.6] [_____] m [15] [_____] feet.
Minimum Required Bond Length - [4.6] [_____] m [15] [_____] feet.
Maximum Bond Length - [10.7] [_____] m [35] [_____] feet.
Corrosion Protection - Class [I, Encapsulated Tendon] [II, Grout
Protected Tendons].
Angle of Anchor Inclination - [_____] rad degrees from vertical [with a
tolerance of + [0.05] [_____] rad [3] [_____] degrees].
The Design Load shall not exceed 60 percent of the ultimate strength of the
prestressing steel. The Lock-off Load shall not exceed 70 percent of the
ultimate strength of the prestressing steel. The maximum Test Load shall
not exceed 80 percent of the ultimate strength of the prestressing steel.
The designer should include consideration of group effect of closely spaced
anchors when determining design load and minimum spacing. The bearing
plates shall be designed so that the bending stresses in the plate do not
exceed the yield strength of the steel when a load equal to 95 percent of
the minimum specified ultimate tensile strength of the prestressing steel
is applied and so that the average bearing stress on the structure does not
exceed [24.1] [_____] MPa [3500] [_____] psi. The anchorage assembly
connection to the structure shall be designed in accordance with [AISC 316]
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