[ACI 318/318R].
General Requirements
The work includes design, fabrication and installation of the [soil] [rock]
anchor system. The anchors shall be fabricated and installed as shown on
the drawings. The Contractor shall prepare fabrication and installation
drawings and an installation plan for approval by the Contracting Officer.
The materials, stressing, load testing, and acceptance shall be in
accordance with PTI 4 and these specifications. [Soil] [Rock] anchors shall
be [threaded bar] [or] [strand] type.
Anchor designer, fabricator and installer qualifications shall be submitted
for approval in accordance with paragraph SUBMITTALS. The submittals
shall, where applicable, identify individuals who will be working on this
contract and their relevant experience. No changes shall be made in
approved personnel without prior approval of the Contracting Officer.
Designer Qualifications
The anchors shall be designed by Professional Engineers who have designed a
minimum [three] [_____] [soil] [rock] anchors projects similar in size and
scope to this project within the past ten years. The drawings and
calculations shall be signed by the Professional Engineer.
Fabricator Qualifications
The anchors shall be fabricated by a manufacturer that has been in the
practice of designing and fabricating [soil] [rock] anchors similar in size
and scope to this project for at least [ten] [_____] years.
Installer Qualifications
The anchors shall be installed by a firm which is regularly engaged in the
installation of [soil] [rock] anchors and has at least [ten] [_____] years
experience in the installation of similar anchors. The superintendent
shall have installed anchors on at least five projects of similar scope and
Core Logging and Soil Sampling
NOTE: Core logging and soil sampling should only be
required when necessary to verify design assumptions
or to provide additional foundation information.
Logging of core and preparation of drilling logs and records shall be
performed by a [Registered] Geologist or Geotechnical Engineer who has at
least [five] [_____] years experience in identifying and logging rock core
and soil samples.
Prior to commencing any work on the anchors, the Contractor, including all
field personnel to be involved in drilling and installation of the anchors,
shall meet with the Contracting Officer to review the plans and
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