details and reinforcement as specified.
Test Piles[; G][; G, [_____]]
A complete and accurate record of all auger cast grout piles
(both test piles and production piles). The record shall indicate
the pile location, diameter, length, elevation of tip and top of
pile, and the quantity and strength of grout material actually
pumped in each pile hole. Any unusual conditions encountered
during pile installation shall be reported immediately to the
Contracting Officer.
SD-03 Product Data
Grout Pump
Grout Specimens for Laboratory Tests
Grout specimens for Contractor Tests
A description of the materials to be used and the proposed
SD-06 Test Reports
Test Piles
Loading Test
Flow Cone Test
..Test results.
SD-07 Certificates
Auger cast Grout Piles
Evidence to the Contracting Officer that the Contractor has been
engaged in the successful installation of auger cast grout piles
for at least [_____] years.
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
..Specified records upon completion of work.
NOTE: Working load on the pile should be limited to
36 metric tons (40 tons) per pile. Assuming
subsurface conditions are adequate, the working load
on the pile should be limited to about 36 metric
tons (40 tons) per pile for 300 mm (12 inch) piles
up to about 73 metric tons (80 tons) per pile for
450 mm (18 inch) piles.
Auger cast grout piles are formed by the rotation of a continuous flight
hollow-shaft auger into the ground to the tip elevation established by the
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