requirements specified elsewhere in this section. Grout is then injected
through the auger shaft as the auger is being withdrawn in such a way as to
exert removing pressure on the withdrawing earth-filled auger as well as
lateral pressure on the soil surrounding the grout-filled pile hole.
The minimum inside diameter of the hollow shaft of the augerflight shall be
31.8 mm 1-1/4 inches. Grout injection equipment shall be provided with a
grout pressure gauge in clear view of the equipment operator. Rate of
grout injection and rate of auger withdrawal from the soil shall be so
coordinated as to maintain at all times a positive pressure on this gauge
which will, in turn, indicate the existence of a "removing pressure" on the
bottom of the augerflight. Magnitude of this pressure and performance of
other augering and grouting procedures, such as rate of augering, rate of
grout injection, and control of grout return around the augerflight, are
dependent on soil conditions and equipment capability and shall be at the
option of the Contractor, subject to review by the Contracting Officer.
The auger hoisting equipment shall be capable of withdrawing the auger
smoothly and at a constant rate.
NOTE: This paragraph is to be used by agencies that
show the soil data log on the drawings and for
agencies that retain subsurface samples of soil.
Subsurface soil data logs are shown on the drawings. The subsoil
investigation report and samples of material taken from subsurface
investigations may be examined in the [_____].
Grout pump shall be a positive displacement pump of an approved design.
The pump discharge capacity shall be calibrated in strokes per cubic meter
foot or revolutions per cubic meter foot by a method approved by the
Contracting Officer. Oil or other rust inhibitors shall be removed from
mixing drums and pressure grout pumps prior to mixing and pumping.
NOTE: Insert the ultimate compressive strength
required by the design (20.7 MPa (3,000 psi)
Grout shall consist of a mixture of portland cement, a pozzolanic material
when approved, fluidifier, sand, and water proportioned and mixed to
produce a grout capable of being pumped with an ultimate compressive
strength of [_____] MPa psi at 28 days. Consistency shall not be less than
11 seconds when tested in accordance with paragraph FLOW CONE TEST. Other
admixtures shall not be used.
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