Portland Cement
Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150.
Pozzolan shall be a fly ash or other approved pozzolanic material
conforming to ASTM C 618, Class F.
Grout Fluidifier
Grout fluidifier shall conform to ASTM C 937, except that expansion shall
not exceed 4 percent. The fluidifier shall be a compound possessing
characteristics which will increase the flowability of the mixture, assist
in the dispersal of cement grains, and neutralize the setting shrinkage of
the high-strength cement mortar.
Water shall be fresh, clean, and free from sewage, oil, acid, alkali,
salts, or organic matter.
Fine Aggregate
NOTE: To be used as alternate requirement.
Fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 33. The sand shall
consist of hard, dense, durable, uncoated rock particles and be free from
injurious amounts of silt, loam, lumps, soft or flaky particles, shale,
alkali, organic matter, mica, and other deleterious substances. If washed,
a washing method shall be used that will not remove desirable fines, and
the sand shall subsequently be permitted to drain until the residual-free
moisture is reasonably uniform and stable. The sand shall be well-graded
from fine to coarse, with fineness modulus between 1.30 and 3.40. The
fineness modulus is defined as the total divided by 100 of the cumulative
percentages retained on U.S. Standard Sieve 1.18, 0.600, 0.300 and 0.150 mm
Numbers 16, 30, 50, and 100.
Aggregate shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 33, for fine aggregate,
except as to grading. The sand shall consist of hard, dense, durable,
uncoated rock fragments and shall be free from injurious amounts of silt,
lumps, loam, soft, or flaky particles, shale, alkali, organic matter, mica,
and other deleterious substances. If washed, the method shall not remove
other desirable fines, and the sand shall be permitted to drain until the
residual free moisture is reasonably uniform and stable. Sand grading
shall be reasonably consistent and shall conform to the following
requirements as delivered to the grout mixer:
U.S. Standard
Cumulative Percent
Cumulative Percent
Sieve Number
by Weight Passing
by Weight Retained
2.36 mm
1.18 mm
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