Loading Test
NOTE: ASTM D 1143 contains several requirements
which would not be considered applicable to routine
pile load testing. It may be advisable to qualify
the requirement that load tests be performed in
accordance with ASTM D 1143 as follows: (1) delete
the requirement for pretest information; (2) permit
to be made immediately prior to the test; (3) permit
the use of test jacks which are not equipped with
spherical bearings; (4) permit the wedges and not
the loads to be adjusted so they remain loose as
settlement occurs; (5) permit the supports for beams
to which dial gauges are attached to be a minimum
distance of 1.5 m (5 feet) from the center of the
test pile; (6) specifically delete the optional
requirement for incremental strain measurement; (7)
delete the requirement that the test load is to be
removed upon reaching loads of 50 and 100 percent of
the anticipated working load; (8) delete the
requirement that the load is to be reapplied to 200
percent of the working load after removal of the
test loads; (9) delete the requirement that the pile
is to be tested to 300 percent of the anticipated
working load.
The requirement of performing the load tests under
the direct supervision of a registered professional
engineer may be waived by those agencies as desired.
Load tests shall be in accordance with ASTM D 1143, cyclic loading method.
The load tests at locations shown or directed shall be made on test piles
placed to the tip elevation used for establishing lengths of piles for
bidding, except as otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. Loading,
testing, and recording of data shall be under the direct supervision of a
registered professional engineer. The analysis of the load test data shall
be done by the registered professional engineer. The registered
professional engineer shall be provided and paid by the Government. The
installation of contract piles shall not proceed within each area of
substantially different subsoil conditions until a satisfactory load test
has been performed in that area.
NOTE: Insert twice the pile design working load.
Test piles shall be loaded to twice the design working load of [_____]
tons, unless failure occurs first. The safe design capacity of a test pile
as determined from the results of load tests shall be the lesser of the two
values computed according to the following:
One-half the load that causes a net settlement after rebound of
not more than 0.23 mm per metric ton 0.01 inch per ton of total
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