Principal Sum
NOTE: The pile diameter specified should be the
diameter of the auger which should be 50 mm (2
inches) larger in diameter than that used to
calculate the structural capacity of the pile. The
structural capacity of the pile should be based on
an allowable design stress not greater than 20
percent of the 28-day grout strength.
The number of augering test piles would depend on
degree of variations in subsoil conditions as
revealed by test borings. In general, a minimum of
three augering tests should be made and possibly
more where subsurface conditions are questionable.
One test pile should be load tested in each area of
substantially different subsoil conditions, but not
less than one pile load test should be made for the
The total test load would be twice the working load
on the pile, which should not exceed 36 metric tons
(40 tons) per pile. Withdrawal of auger and
examination of the soil to verify the soil profile
should be required for all test piles and for 10
percent of the remaining piles to supplement the
soil boring information.
The contract price for piling shall be a principal sum based on [_____] mm
inch diameter piles, (including [_____] test piles), having a total
aggregate length of [_____] linear m feet and shall include [_____] pile
load tests having a capacity of [_____] metric ton ton and [_____] auger
Variations in Pile Quantities
From the results of laboratory tests on soil samples and data obtained as a
result of placing and loading the test piles specified herein, the
Contracting Officer will determine and will list for the Contractor
"calculated" pile tip elevations for all piles. The Contracting Officer
reserves the right to increase or decrease the total length of piles to be
furnished and installed by changing the pile locations or elevations,
requiring the installation of additional piles, or directing the omission
of piles from the requirements shown and specified. Should the total pile
length installed vary from that specified as the basis for bidding because
of added or omitted piles or variations in the pile lengths, the principal
sum shall be adjusted by the amount bid per linear m foot for "Additional
Pile Length" or "Omitted Pile Length".
Variations in Pile Load Test Quantities
The Contracting Officer reserves the right to increase or decrease the
number of pile load tests from that specified for the basis of bidding.
For changes in the number of load tests required, the contract principal
sum price shall be adjusted by the amount bid for "Each Additional Pile
Load Test" or "Each Omitted Pile Load Test."
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