backfill, retain first bracketed sentence and delete
the second and third bracketed sentences.
Excavate as required to remove tanks and piping. Place soil removed from
the excavation in a temporary containment area. Collect and temporarily
store water runoff from stockpiled soils. [Contaminated soil materials may
be used as backfill for tank and pipe excavations.] [To determine soil
contamination levels, continuously monitor soil materials excavated to
remove tanks with an OVA/FID capable of detecting volatile organic vapors
to a minimum of one ppm. Contaminated soils with OVA/FID readings of [10]
[_____] ppm or greater shall be further tested for TPH and BTEX as
specified herein. Soils with OVA/FID readings less than [10] [_____] ppm
may be used as clean backfill.] [Contaminated soils shall be disposed of in
accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.]
Excavation Methods
dependent on regulations applicable to the location
where tanks and piping are being removed. Specifier
must verify acceptable levels.
Select methods and equipment to remove soil to minimize disturbance to
areas beyond the limits of the excavation area. Material that becomes
contaminated as a result of the Contractor's operations shall be removed
and disposed of at no additional cost to the Government. Where excavation
extends into groundwater levels, dewatering methods shall be employed on a
localized basis to facilitate excavation operations. Water generated by
dewatering during excavation required for removal of tanks or piping,
surface water collected in open excavation, or water used for washing
equipment or existing concrete or bituminous surfaces, shall be collected
and tested in accordance with EPA 530/F-93/004 and EPA 600/4-79/020 and
state or locally required analyses. Water that contains contaminants above
locally acceptable levels shall be disposed of in accordance with Federal,
State, and local regulations. Non-contaminated water may be disposed of
During excavation activities, if asphalt pavement, concrete slabs, or other
structures are encountered, remove and wash with high pressure water
other structures as specified in Section 02220 DEMOLITION.
Stockpiled Soils
dependent on regulations applicable to the location
where tanks and piping are being removed. Specifier
shall verify acceptable levels.
For some locations such as a contaminated site
scheduled for site remediation, it may be
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