storage of material [will be allowed in a [_____] square meter square foot
area] [where indicated] [will not be allowed in the building[s]]. [Provide
2.4 m 8 foot high security fence with a lockable gate around the storage
area. Remove at the completion of work.]
NOTE: Use the second (optional) paragraph for
SOUTHDIV projects at the Charleston Air Force Base
and for other SOUTHDIV projects as determined by the
Contracting Officer based on project size, scope,
complexity, and visibility. Consult the Contracting
Officer for base standard color.
Provide adequate sanitary conveniences of a type approved for the use of
persons employed on the work, properly secluded from public observation,
and maintained in such a manner as required and approved by the Contracting
Officer. Maintain these conveniences at all times without nuisance. Upon
completion of the work, remove the conveniences from the premises, leaving
the premises clean and free from nuisance. Dispose of sewage through
connection to a municipal, district, or station sanitary sewage system.
Where such systems are not available, use chemical toilets or comparably
effective units, and periodically empty wastes into a municipal, district,
or station sanitary sewage system, or remove waste to a commercial
facility. Include provisions for pest control and elimination of odors.
[Provide temporary sewer and sanitation facilities that are self-contained
units with both urinals and stool capabilities. Ventilate the units to
control odors and fumes and empty and clean them at least once a week or more
often if required by the Contracting Officer. The doors shall be
self-closing. The exterior of the unit shall match the base standard color.
Locate the facility behind the construction fence or out of the public view.]
NOTE: Government will provide the necessary Station
information. Use paragraphs related to temporary
facilities only when storage sheds or offices are
Temporary facilities( including trailers) shall be in like new condition.
Locate these facilities [where indicated.] [where directed and within the
indicated operations area.] [within 300 m 1,000 feet of the operations
area.] Storage of material/debris under such facilities is prohibited.
[Maintenance and repair services are available on a cost reimbursable
basis.] Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the stored
Maintenance of Temporary Facilities
NOTE: For SOUTHDIV projects at the Charleston Air
Force Base and for other SOUTHDIV projects as
determined by the Contracting Officer, use the first
painting option. Consult the Contracting Officer
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