Access Controls
Temporary Barricades
Contractor shall provide for barricading around all work areas to prevent
public access.
NOTE: Designer: Fencing requirements must be
evaluated based on the exposure potential of the
construction site to the public. The public is
considered as any non-construction personnel.
Minimum fencing may range from nylon fabric
(reinforced by a top supporting cable to provide
adequate strength to provide needed physical
protection) to 2400 mm 8 foot chain link fencing.
NOTE: Use the second (optional) paragraph for
SOUTHDIV projects at the Charleston Air Force Base
and for other SOUTHDIV projects as determined by the
Contracting Officer based on project size, scope,
complexity, and visibility. Consult the Contracting
Officer for base temporary fencing standards and for
base standard color.
Fencing shall be provided along the construction site at all open
excavations and tunnels to control access by unauthorized people. Fencing
must be installed to be able to restrain a force of at least 114.00 kg 250
pounds against it.
[Enclose the project work are and Contractor lay-down area with a 2400 mm 8
ft high [shadow-box type, wooden fence and gates] [chain link fence and
gates with brown, UV light resistant, plastic fabric mesh netting (similar
to tennis court or other screening)]. Remove the fence upon completion and
acceptance of the work. Intent is to block (screen) public view of the
In addition, prior to the start of work, enclose those ares at the
construction site which are not within the construction fence with a
temporary safety fence, including gates and warning signs, to protect the
public from construction activities. The safety fence shall match the base
standard color (or bright orange where it protects excavated areas), shall
be made of [high density polyethylene grid or approved equal] [plastic
fence from recovered materials containing 60-100 percent recovered content
level plastic], a minimum of 1100 mm 42 inches high, supported and tightly
secured to steel posts located on minimum 3000 mm 10 foot centers. Remove
the fence from the work site upon completion of the contract.]
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