comply with testing standards.
Check test instrument calibration data against certified standards.
Verify that recording forms and test identification control number
system, including all of the test documentation requirements, have
been prepared.
Results of all tests taken, both passing and failing tests, shall
be recorded on the CQC report for the date taken. Specification
paragraph reference, location where tests were taken, and the
sequential control number identifying the test shall be given. If
approved by the Contracting Officer, actual test reports may be
submitted later with a reference to the test number and date
taken. An information copy of tests performed by an offsite or
commercial test facility shall be provided directly to the
Contracting Officer. Failure to submit timely test reports as
stated may result in nonpayment for related work performed and
disapproval of the test facility for this contract.
Testing Laboratories
Capability Check
The Government reserves the right to check laboratory equipment in the
proposed laboratory for compliance with the standards set forth in the
contract specifications and to check the laboratory technician's testing
procedures and techniques. Laboratories utilized for testing soils,
concrete, asphalt, and steel shall meet criteria detailed in ASTM D 3740
and ASTM E 329.
Capability Recheck
If the selected laboratory fails the capability check, the Contractor will
be assessed a charge of [_____] to reimburse the Government for each
succeeding recheck of the laboratory or the checking of a subsequently
selected laboratory. Such costs will be deducted from the contract amount
due the Contractor.
Onsite Laboratory
The Government reserves the right to utilize the Contractor's control
testing laboratory and equipment to make assurance tests, and to check the
Contractor's testing procedures, techniques, and test results at no
additional cost to the Government.
Furnishing or Transportation of Samples for Testing
NOTE: Insert appropriate addresses.
Costs incidental to the transportation of samples or materials shall be
borne by the Contractor. Samples of materials for test verification and
acceptance testing by the Government shall be delivered to the Corps of
Engineers Division Laboratory, f.o.b., at the following address:
For delivery by mail:
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