A review of each paragraph of applicable specifications, reference
codes, and standards. A copy of those sections of referenced
codes and standards applicable to that portion of the work to be
accomplished in the field shall be made available by the
Contractor at the preparatory inspection. These copies shall be
maintained in the field and available for use by Government
personnel until final acceptance of the work.
A review of the contract drawings.
A check to assure that all materials and/or equipment have been
tested, submitted, and approved.
Review of provisions that have been made to provide required
control inspection and testing.
Examination of the work area to assure that all required
preliminary work has been completed and is in compliance with the
A physical examination of required materials, equipment, and
sample work to assure that they are on hand, conform to approved
shop drawings or submitted data, and are properly stored.
A review of the appropriate activity hazard analysis to assure
safety requirements are met.
Discussion of procedures for controlling quality of the work
including repetitive deficiencies. Document construction
tolerances and workmanship standards for that feature of work.
A check to ensure that the portion of the plan for the work to be
performed has been accepted by the Contracting Officer.
Discussion of the initial control phase.
The Government shall be notified at least [_____] hours in advance
of beginning the preparatory control phase. This phase shall
include a meeting conducted by the CQC System Manager and attended
by the superintendent, other CQC personnel (as applicable), and
the foreman responsible for the definable feature. The results of
the preparatory phase actions shall be documented by separate
minutes prepared by the CQC System Manager and attached to the
daily CQC report. The Contractor shall instruct applicable
workers as to the acceptable level of workmanship required in
order to meet contract specifications.
Initial Phase
This phase shall be accomplished at the beginning of a definable feature of
work. The following shall be accomplished:
A check of work to ensure that it is in full compliance with
contract requirements. Review minutes of the preparatory meeting.
Verify adequacy of controls to ensure full contract compliance.
Verify required control inspection and testing.
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