and between the field processors and central processor, shall be capable of
transmitting data within the error rate specified over the distances shown.
For wireline equipment, the maximum permissible error rate shall be 1 in
[MODEMS shall conform to ITU H.222.0 AMD 1 for a data rate of at least 9600
both upstream and downstream, full duplex on circuits using asynchronous
communications. MODEM shall have error detection auto answer/autodial, and
call-in-progress detection. The MODEM shall meet the requirements of ITU
V.92 and ITU V.44 for data compression standards, and shall be suitable for
operating on unconditioned voice grade telephone lines in conformance with
47 CFR 68.]
Line Drivers
Line drivers shall transmit data at a minimum of 9600 bps over the
distances as shown, and be compatible with the selected or existing
wireline modems and telecommunications equipment that is operational at the
NOTE: The National Electrical Code has changed the
classification of data cable from "Appliance Wiring
Material" to "Building Wire."
The designer shall closely coordinate the drawings
with the specifications to make sure that the number
of pair and gauge size of conductors required by the
design is available through the RUS program. If not
available, delete references to RUS and specify a
cable type (e.g., Type TC) that is suitable for
installation in damp or wet locations.
Wireline cable shall be insulated solid copper type conforming to the
following specifications. A minimum of No. 22 AWG shall be used for all
applications. All interior cables' insulation and jacketing material shall
not contain any poly vinyl chloride (PVC) compounds.
Cable Construction
All cable components shall be able to withstand the environment the cable
is installed in for a minimum of 20 years.
Underground Cable
Underground cable as specified in ICEA S-84-608 covers mechanical and
electrical requirements for filled, polyolefin insulated, copper conductor
telecommunications cable. It provides alternative choices for type of
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