47 CFR 68
Connection of Terminal Equipment to the
Telephone Network
NOTE: Designer must show on drawings the DTS
selected for each link and the systems to be
interconnected. NEC (e.g., Sections 300.11(A) and
800.5) does not permit communication circuits to be
supported by suspended ceiling panels or suspended
ceiling support grids. Thus, give consideration for
proper support of cables and raceways.
A half or full duplex wire line data transmission system (DTS) for
communication between a local device and a central processor shall be
provided. The local device is used to process locally generated
information and communicates that information to the central processor.
The central processor is a computer-based system that takes the information
received from the local processor and processes that information. The DTS
shall consist of MODEMS (headend and remote) or line drivers, or both,
connected to the local device and the central processor. The MODEMS are
terminal strips. Communication links surge protection and powerline surge
computing devices, as defined in 47 CFR 15, shall be certified to comply
with the requirements for Class B computing devices and labeled as set
forth in 47 CFR 15.
Environmental Requirements
NOTE: Select equipment and cable temperature
ratings within ambient temperature conditions at the
project location. State additional requirements
when ambient conditions are more extreme than
manufacturers' equipment ratings (e.g. conformal
atmospheres, enclosure heaters or coolers, etc.).
The designer will show hazardous (classified)
environmental area(s), type of hazard(s) and hazard
classification (Class I, II, or III or combination;
Division 1 or 2; Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, or G or
possible, avoid placement of equipment and cables
within the hazardous location to reduce installation
costs, and to simplify maintenance.
Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Equipment and cable to be used indoors shall be rated for continuous
noncondensing. Equipment and cable to be used outdoors shall be rated for
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