Material and equipment shall be the standard product of a manufacturer
regularly engaged in the manufacture of the product and shall essentially
duplicate items that have been in satisfactory use for at least 2 years
prior to bid opening. Items of the same classification shall be identical
including equipment, assemblies, parts, and components.
On Aluminum, Steel, Fiberglass, and Concrete Poles
Poles shall be provided with bracket arms of the [support arm] [davit]
style and of the length indicated on drawings. Bracket arms shall conform
to the design of the pole provided. The bracket arms shall be capable of
supporting the equipment to be mounted on it with the maximum wind and ice
loading encountered at the site. Strength of bracket arms shall be in
accordance with ANSI C136.13. Steel brackets shall be galvanized. Wood
bracket arms shall not be used.
On Wood Poles
Poles shall be in accordance with ANSI C136.13 provided with galvanized
steel pipe bracket arms coordinated for pole attachment. The bracket arm
shall be [cantilever without underbrace] [cantilever with underbrace]
[single tie brace] [double tie brace] [truss] [A-frame]. The bracket arm
shall be of the length indicated on drawings.
Floodlight Brackets
Floodlight brackets shall be coordinated with the floodlight support
The Contractor shall provide all wire and cable not indicated as government
furnished equipment. Wire and cable components shall be able to withstand
the jobsite environment for a minimum of 20 years.
Insulated Cable
NOTE: Select insulation thickness of column B when
approximately 0.381 to 0.508 mm (15 to 20 mils) more
insulation is desired and column A when even thicker
insulation is necessary. Do not specify for small
installations or for limited amounts of one AWG size
on large installations, since cable must be
manufactured to order.
Cable shall be type USE conforming to UL 854, with copper conductors and
type RHW or XHHW insulation conforming to UL 44, and shall include green
ground conductor. Cable shall be provided with insulation of a thickness
not less than that given in column [A] [B] of TABLE 15.1 of UL 854. Cable
shall be rated 600 volts. Parts of the cable system such as splices and
terminations shall be rated not less than 600 volts. The size and number
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