the manuals as specified bound in hardback, loose-leaf binders,
within 30 days after completing the field test. The draft copy
used during site testing shall be updated with any changes
required, prior to final delivery of the manuals. Each manual's
contents shall be identified on the cover. The manual shall
include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each
subcontractor installing equipment and systems, and nearest
service representatives for each item of equipment for each
system. The manuals shall have a table of contents and tab
sheets. Tab sheets shall be placed at the beginning of each
chapter or section and at the beginning of each appendix. The
final copies delivered after completion of the field test shall
include modifications made during installation checkout and
Lighting System
The lighting system shall be configured as specified and shown. The system
shall include all fixtures, hardware, poles, cables, connectors, adapters
and appurtenances needed to provide a fully functional lighting system.
Assessment Lighting
NOTE: Coordinate the type of CCTV light fixture
used with the spectral sensitivity of the CCTV
camera installed at each assessment zone. Provide a
sufficient lighting level to meet the minimum
Provide a light ratio of not greater than 6 to 1
(highlight to shadow) between the perimeter fences
or in the CCTV assessment zone. In addition, the
security at some sites may require lighting in areas
not normally viewed by the CCTV cameras.
used for CCTV assessment.
shown. Equipment shall conform to NFPA 70 and IEEE C2. The lighting
configuration shall provide sufficient light for optimum CCTV assessment of
each zone. The system shall include all fixtures, hardware, poles, cables,
connectors, adapters, and appurtenances needed to provide a fully
functional lighting system.
Electrical Requirements
The equipment shall operate from a voltage source as shown, plus or minus
10 percent, and 60 Hz, plus or minus 2 percent.
Power Line Surge Protection
NOTE: Indicate circuits requiring additional
transient voltage surge suppression. Provide
requirements on the drawings or in a table.
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