Engine Shutdown Time Delay
NOTE: Omit this paragraph if there is no generator
in transfer scheme. Consult ATS manufacturers'
literature for feature availability, timing interval
range, and pickup and dropout settings. Insert
proper values. Recommended values for normal
applications are shown in brackets but may be
changed for other design conditions. Where values
are not shown or different settings are required,
specify values and settings.
Time delay shall be adjustable from [0] [_____] to [30] [_____] minutes and
shall be factory set at 10 [_____] minutes.
NOTE: Use this paragraph when automatic system
exercising is required by nature of loads and
recommended when diesel engine driven generator set
is used, but only if automatic feature is manually
initiated and can be manually overridden during
exercise period to return ATS to normal or preferred
source. Omit this paragraph if there is no
generator in transfer scheme.
Consult ATS manufacturers' literature for feature
availability, timing interval range, and pickup and
dropout settings. Insert proper values for
Provide a generator exerciser timer. Run times shall be user programmable.
The generator exerciser shall be selectable between load transfer and
enginer run only, and shall have a fail-safe feature that will retransfer
the ATS to [normal] [preferred] during the exercise period.
Auxiliary Contacts
[Two] [_____] normally open and [two] [_____] normally closed auxiliary
contacts rated at [10][15][_____] amperes at [120][480][_____] volts shall
operate when ATS is connected to [normal] [preferred] power source, and
[two] [_____] normally open and [two] [_____] normally closed contacts
shall operate when ATS is connected to [alternate] [emergency] source.
Supplemental Features
NOTE: Delete features when not required. Delete
in-phase monitor unless required to eliminate or
reduce transients during switching of large
inductive loads while limiting time delays
associated with ATS transfer in both directions.
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