shall automatically retransfer to [normal] [preferred] source.]
Green Indicating Light
A green indicating light shall supervise/provide [normal] [preferred] power
source switch position indication and shall have a nameplate engraved
Red Indicating Light
A red indicating light shall supervise/provide [alternate] [emergency]
power source switch position indication and shall have a nameplate engraved
NOTE: Omit this section if no by-pass/isolation
switch is required. Delete reference to generator
starting where a generator is not used as alternate
Bypass/isolation switch (BP/IS) shall permit load by-pass to either
[normal] [preferred] or [alternate] [emergency] power source and complete
isolation of associated ATS, independent of ATS operating position. BP/IS
and associated ATS shall be products of same manufacturer and shall be
completely interconnected and tested at factory and at project site as
specified. BP/IS shall be manufactured, listed, and tested in accordance
with paragraph AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS) and shall have electrical
ratings that exceed or equal comparable ratings specified for ATS.
Operating handles shall be externally operated and arranged so that one
person can perform the bypass and isolation functions through the operation
of a maximum of two handles within 5 seconds. The ATS shall have
provisions for locking in the isolation position. Handle for manual
operation shall be permanently attached to operating mechanism. BP/IS
operation shall be accomplished without disconnecting switch load terminal
conductors. Isolation handle positions shall be marked with engraved
plates or other approved means to indicate position or operating condition
of associated ATS, as follows:
Indication shall be provided to show that ATS section is providing
power to the load.
Indication shall be provided of ATS isolation. The ATS controls
shall remain functional with the ATS isolated or in bypass mode to
permit monitoring of the normal power source [and automatic
starting of the generator in the event of a loss of the normal
power source]. In the isolated mode, the bypass section shall be
capable of functioning as a manual transfer switch to transfer the
load to either power source. The ATS shall be capable of
interruption. The ATS may also be completely removed from the
enclosure, if required for maintenance or repair, while the bypass
section continues to power the load.
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