part of the Contractor's' obligation to meet all of
the requirements of these specifications or of the
responsibility for the correctness of the
Contractor's drawings.
8. Upon completion of the work under this contract,
the Contractor shall furnish a complete set of [CADD
files] [process tracings together with complete sets
of black and white prints or blue-prints] of added
drawings as finally approved. [The CADD files shall
be furnished in Microstation format on electronic
etc.] [The process tracings shall be full size
reproducibles made on cloth, Mylar, or equal, from
the original tracings by photographic-type
reproduction, and shall be of such quality and
clarity as to permit sharp and thoroughly legible
microfilm copying.] These [CADD files] [tracings]
[tracings and prints] shall show all changes and
revisions, including any field changes made up to
the time that the equipment is completed and
accepted and the contract number shall be shown
thereon. The number shall be located immediately
above the title block if possible.
9. Parts catalogs, where applicable, the operating
instructions especially prepared covering all
equipment furnished under this contract which may be
needed or useful in operation, maintenance, repair,
dismantling, or assembling, and for repair and
identification of parts for ordering replacements
shall be assembled under a suitable common cover and
[_____] copies of the assembled material shall be
furnished. The assembled material shall include
complete identification of the spare parts furnished
in compliance with the requirements of these
Section F
Suitable drawings showing the location and general
arrangements of the equipment, a single-line diagram
of the main power connections, and tabulations of
feeder circuit data should be included with the
procurement specifications. The drawings should
include all features not adequately covered in the
specifications which will affect the design of
related equipment or the structure.
NOTE: Issue (date) of references included in
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