NSP = Not Separately Priced
NOTE: Bid items above should be copied on Standard
Form 36, continuation sheet, when submitting
specifications for approval.
Section C
All materials, components, and equipment not
manufactured by the Contractor shall be products of
manufacturers other than those specified herein will
be accepted when it is proved to the satisfaction of
the Contracting Officer that such products are
adequate and suitable for the intended use. Upon
request, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Contracting Officer for his approval the names of
all such other manufacturers, together with complete
pertinent information regarding all such products
which he proposes to incorporate into the work.
Samples of materials and equipment shall be
submitted for approval when so directed. Insofar as
practicable, devices and equipment used for the same
or similar services shall be of the same make and
type, and shall be inter-changeable when of the same
Section D
Inspection and Acceptance
Include the following:
Test of Materials.
All materials, supplies, and parts and assemblies
thereof entering into the work to be done under
these specifications shall be tested in accordance
with the requirements of the referenced standard
specifications specified herein, except as otherwise
indicated or where such tests are waived in writing
by the Contracting Officer. In case the Contractor
desires to use stock material not manufactured
specifically for the work covered by these
specifications, he shall submit evidence
satisfactory to the Contracting Officer that such
material conforms to the requirements of these
specifications, in which case detailed tests on
these materials may be waived.
Unless waived in writing, all tests or trials shall
be made in the presence of a Quality Assurance
Representative (QAR) and copies of all test reports
shall be furnished by the Contractor as soon as
practicable after the tests are made an shall be
submitted in such form as to provide means of
determining compliance with the applicable
specifications for the material tested. Where the
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