permit driving to full length of the rod, but not less than 19 mm 3/4 inch
in diameter and 3050 mm 10 feet long unless otherwise indicated.
Cable Tags
Provide as specified in Section 16050N BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND
Arc-Proofing Test for Cable Fireproofing Tape
Manufacturer shall test [one] [three] sample [assembly] [assemblies, each]
consisting of a straight lead tube 305 mm 12 inches long with a 65.5 mm 2
1/2 inch outside diameter, and a 3.175-mm 1/8 inch thick wall, and covered
with one-half lap layer of arc and fireproofing material per manufacturer's
instructions. The arc and fireproofing tape shall withstand extreme
temperature of a high-current fault arc 13,000 degrees K for 70 cycles as
determined by using an argon directed plasma jet capable of constantly
producing and maintaining an arc temperature of 13,000 degrees K.
Temperature (13,000 degrees K) of the ignited arc between the cathode and
anode shall be obtained from a dc power source of 305 (plus or minus 5)
amperes and 20 (plus or minus 1) volts. The arc shall be directed toward
the sample assembly accurately positioned 5 (plus or minus 1) millimeters
downstream in the plasma from the anode orifice by fixed flow rate of argon
gas (0.18 g per second). Each sample assembly shall be tested at three
unrelated points. Start time for tests shall be taken from recorded peak
current when the specimen is exposed to the full test temperature. Surface
heat on the specimen prior to that time shall be minimal. The end point is
established when the plasma or conductive arc penetrates the protective
tape and strikes the lead tube. Submittals for arc-proofing tape shall
indicate that the test has been performed and passed by the manufacturer.
Medium Voltage Cable Tests
Results of [AEIC C5] [and] [AEIC CS6] qualification and production tests as
applicable for each type of medium voltage cable.
NOTE: Soil treatment for termite control shall
conform to Section 02361, "Soil Treatment for
Termite Control," except that application to direct
burial cable installation shall be as specified. In
lieu of soil poisoning, cable in direct-buried
EPC-40-PVC conduit can be a more economical and
practical way of protecting cable from termites.
NOTE: CALPUC publication applies only to State of
California Public Utilities Commission CALPUC
G.O.128, "Construction of Underground Electric
Supply and Communication System" for underground
electrical work. For other states, delete this
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