Replace sod which has been removed, as soon as possible after backfilling
is completed. Restore areas disturbed by trenching, storing of dirt, cable
laying, pad construction, and other work to original condition and maintain
until final acceptance. Provide necessary topsoiling, fertilizing, liming,
seeding, sodding, sprigging or mulching. [Perform work in accordance with
[Section 02921 SEEDING][Section 02922 SODDING][Section 02923 SPRIGGING] and
Section 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS.]
Crossing Cables
Separate cables crossing other cables or metal piping from each other by
not less than [75] [305] mm [3] [12] inches of well tamped earth.
Provide cables in one piece without splices between connections except
where the distance exceeds the lengths in which cables are manufactured.
Bends in cables shall have an inner radius not less than [those specified
in NFPA 70 for the type of cable specified.] [12 times the cable diameter.]
Horizontal Slack
Leave approximately 915 mm 3 feet of horizontal slack in the ground on each
end of cable runs, on each side of connection boxes, and at points where
connections are brought above ground. Where cable is brought above ground,
leave additional slack to make necessary connections. [Enclose splices in
lead-sheathed or armored cables in split-type cast-iron splice boxes; after
completion of the connection, fill with insulating filler compound and
tightly clamp the box.]
Identification Slabs [Markers]
Provide a slab at each change of direction of cable, over the ends of ducts
or conduits which are installed under paved areas and roadways, and over
each splice. Identification slabs shall be of concrete, approximately 500
mm square by 150 mm 20 inches square by 6 inches thick and shall be set
flat in the ground so that top surface projects not less than 20 mm 3/4 inch,
nor more than 30 mm 1 1/4 inchesabove ground. Concrete shall have a
compressive strength of not less than 20 MPa 3000 psi and have a smooth
troweled finish on exposed surface. Inscribe an identifying legend such as
"electric cable," "telephone cable," "splice," or other applicable
designation on the top surface of the slab before concrete hardens.
figures shall be approximately 50 mm 2 inches high and grooves shall be
approximately 6 mm 1/4 inch in width and depth. Install slabs so that the
side nearest the inscription on top shall include an arrow indicating the
side nearest the cable.
Cable End Seal
NOTE: Delete this paragraph for LANTNAVFACENGCOM
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