terminator, ground clamp, connectors, and lugs. Terminator shall be the
product of one manufacturer, suitable for the type and materials of the
cable terminated. Furnish components in the form of a "UL listed" kit,
including complete instructions which shall be followed for assembly and
installation. Provide terminator as specified herein for terminating
single conductor, [or the single conductor of multiconductor,] solid
insulated, nonmetallic jacketed type cables for service voltage up to 35 KV
indoor and outdoor. Do not use separate parts of copper or copper alloy in
contact with aluminum alloy parts in the construction or installation of
the terminator.
Indoor Terminations/Terminations Within Equipment Enclosures
NOTE: Separable insulated connectors, such as
load-break elbows, may be used with certain
equipment. Where they are provided, they should be
specified in the section that provides the equipment
(i.e., Section 16272) and cross referenced herein
for installation and testing.
NOTE: Provide with skirts. By including skirts for
"indoor" and "within equipment" locations, tracking
Indoor terminator shall be cold-shrink type or heat shrinkable type.
Cold-Shrink Type:
NOTE: For Public Works Center, Pearl Harbor areas
and systems, this type shall not be specified/
included in contract specifications.
Terminator shall be a one-piece design, where high-dielectric constant
(capacitive) stress control is integrated within a skirted insulator made
of silicone rubber, munsel gray in color. Termination shall not require
heat or flame for installation. Termination kit shall contain all
necessary materials (except for the lugs). Termination shall be designed
for installation in low or highly contaminated indoor and outdoor locations
and shall be rated for continuous operation at 90 degree C, with an
emergency overload temperature rating of 130 degree C.
Heat Shrinkable Type
Terminator shall consist of a uniform cross section heat shrinkable
polymeric construction stress relief tubing and environmentally sealed
outer covering that is nontracking, resists heavy atmospheric contaminants,
ultra violet rays and oxidative decomposition. Provide heat shrinkable
sheds or skirts of the same material.
Outdoor Terminations
Outdoor terminator shall be cold shrink type or porcelain insulator.
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