necessary to meet the pole wind loading specified herein and other design
Power-Installed Screw Foundations
Power-installed screw foundations may be used if they have the required
strength, mounting-bolt, and top plate dimensions. Screw foundations shall
be of at least 6.4 mm 1/4 inch thick structural steel conforming to ASTM A
36/A 36M and hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123/A 123M.
Conduit slots in screw foundation shafts and top plates shall be marked to
indicate orientation. Design calculations indicating adequate strength
shall be approved before installation of screw foundation is permitted.
Calculations shall be submitted in accordance with the design data portion
of paragraph entitled "SUBMITTALS."
Anchors and Guys
Place anchors in line with strain. The length of the guy lead (distance
from base of pole to the top of the anchor rod) shall be as indicated.
Setting Anchors
Set anchors in place with anchor rod aligned with, and pointing directly
at, guy attachment on the pole with the anchor rod projecting 150 to 230 mm
6 to 9 inches out of ground to prevent burial of rod eye.
Backfilling Near [Plate] Anchors
NOTE: If plate anchors are chosen, for
LANTNAVFACENGCOM projects, include the bracketed
option in the title of the paragraph and use the
second bracketed sentence.
[Backfill plate, expanding, concrete, or cone type anchors [with tightly
tamped coarse rock 610 mm 2 feet immediately above anchor and then] with
tightly tamped earth filling [remainder of] hole.]
[Backfill plate anchors with tightly tamped earth for full depth of hole.]
Screw Anchors
Install screw anchors by torquing with boring machine.
Swamp Anchors
Install swamp anchors by torquing with boring machine or wrenches, adding
sections of pipe as required until anchor helix is fully engaged in firm
Setting Guy Strands
NOTE: Guy strand shall be insulated or grounded in
conformance with IEEE C2 or practice in the
particular station.
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