Install sectionalizer(s) strictly in accordance with manufacturer's
Secure galvanized steel conduits on poles by two hole galvanized steel pipe
straps spaced as indicated and within 910 mm 3 feet of any outlet or
termination. Ground metallic conduits.
NOTE: Specify phase sequence in accordance with the
local practice.
damage bushings. Transformers shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. After installation, surfaces shall be
inspected and scratches shall be touched up with a finish provided by the
transformer manufacturer for this purpose.
NOTE: Do not use this paragraph and subparagraphs
for Navy projects. The Navy provides this
information on the drawings. Utilize Navy plates
during design of Navy projects.
NOTE: Normally flat braces will be specified for
2.4 m (8 foot) crossarms and angle braces for 3.1 m
(10 foot) crossarms to agree with REA construction.
An angle brace is also required on 2.4 m (8 foot)
arms where conductors have a breaking strength of
more than 20.0 kN (4500 pounds). Extreme loading
conditions may also warrant the extra cost of the
stronger angle brace under other circumstances.
Metal crossarm braces will reduce the effective BIL
rating of the pole. In high lightning areas specify
Consult REA Bulletin 61-10, "Protection of Bald and
Golden Eagles from Power lines." The requirement
for wooden crossarm braces should be verified for
each state and land area in accordance with the Bald
Eagle Protection Act of 1940, (16 U.S.C. 703 et
seq.) as amended; Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87
Stat. 1064); and Migratory Bird Treaty of 1918 (16
U.S.C 703 et. seq.) as amended. Potential
requirement sources are the Bureau of Land
Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, and
Federal, State, and Local Land Management or
Wildlife Conservation Agencies.
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