Setting Poles
Set poles so that alternate crossarm gains face in opposite directions,
except at terminals and dead ends where gains of last two poles shall be on
side facing terminal or dead end. On unusually long spans, set poles so
that crossarm comes on side of pole away from long span. Where pole top
pins are used, they shall be on opposite side of pole from gain, with flat
side against pole.
Alignment of Poles
Set poles in alignment and plumb except at corners, terminals, angles,
junctions, or other points of strain, where they shall be set and raked
against the strain. Set not less than 50 mm 2 inches for each 3050 mm 10
feet of pole length above grade, nor more than 100 mm 4 inches for each
3050 mm 10 feet of pole length after conductors are installed at required
tension. When average ground run is level, consecutive poles shall not
vary more than 1525 mm 5 feet in height. When ground is uneven, poles
differing in length shall be kept to a minimum by locating poles to avoid
the highest and lowest ground points. If it becomes necessary to shorten a
pole, a piece shall be sawed off the top. Holes shall be dug large enough
to permit the proper use of tampers to full depth of hole.
Pole Caps
NOTE: Pole caps are not necessary for ACA/CCA
treated poles.
Provide plastic pole caps with 6.35 mm 1/4 inch sealing rings and four
nailing tabs. Fill sealing area with either a bituminous, elastigum roof
cement or an acceptable preservative paste to level of sealing ring to
eliminate possibility of condensation. Place on pole top and nail each tab
down with a 31.75 mm 1 1/4 inch nail.
Steel and Concrete Pole Setting
Poles shall be mounted on cast-in-place or power-installed screw
foundations. [Concrete poles shall be embedded in accordance with the
details shown.] Conduit elbows shall be provided for cable entrances into
pole interiors.
Cast-In-Place Foundations
NOTE: Use Section 03300N for Navy projects and 03300
for other projects.
Concrete foundations, sized as indicated, shall have anchor bolts
accurately set in foundations using templates supplied by the pole
manufacturer. Concrete work and grouting is specified in [Section 03300N
After the concrete has cured, pole anchor bases shall be set on foundations
and leveled by shimming between anchor bases and foundations or by setting
anchor bases on leveling nuts and grouting. Poles shall be set plumb.
Anchor bolts shall be the manufacturer's standard, and not less than
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