Functional Performance Test Checklist - Computer Room Unit
For Computer Room Unit:
1. Functional Performance Test: Contractor shall verify operation of
computer room unit as per specification including the following:
System safeties allow start if safety conditions are met.
b. Verify cooling and heating operation by varying thermostat set
point from space set point to space set point plus 10 degrees, space set
point minus 10 degrees, and returning to space set point. __________________
c. Verify humidifier operation by varying humidistat set point from
space set point to space set point plus 20 percent RH, and returning to space
set point. _________________________________________________________________
d. Verify that airflow is within +10/-0 percent of design airflow.
Verify unit shut down during fire event initiated by smoke/heat
2. Certification: We the undersigned have witnessed the above functional
performance tests and certify that the item tested has met the performance
requirements in this section of the specifications.
Signature and Date
Contractor's Chief Quality Control Representative
Contractor's Mechanical Representative
Contractor's Electrical Representative
Contractor's Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Representative
Contractor's Controls Representative
Contracting Officer's Representative
Using Agency's Representative
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