Functional Performance Test Checklist - HVAC Controls
For HVAC System:
The Contracting Officer will select HVAC control systems to undergo
[10] [10 percent].
1. Functional Performance Test: Contractor shall verify operation of HVAC
controls by performing the following tests:
a. Verify that controller is maintaining the set point by manually
measuring the controlled variable with a thermometer, sling psychrometer,
inclined manometer, etc.
b. Verify sensor/controller combination by manually measuring the
controlled medium. Take readings from control panel display and compare
readings taken manually. Record all readings.
Sensor ___________________________________________
Manual measurement _______________________________
Panel reading value ______________________________
Verify system stability by changing the controller set point as
Air temperature - 10 degrees F
Water temperature - 10 degrees F
Static pressure - 10 percent of set point
The control system shall be observed for 10 minutes after the change in set
point. Instability or excessive hunting will be unacceptable.
Verify interlock with other HVAC controls.
Verify interlock with fire alarm control panel.
Verify interlock with EMCS.
[g. Change controller set point 10 percent with EMCS and verify
correct response.]
2. Verify that operation of control system conforms to that specified in
the sequence of operation.
3. Certification: We the undersigned have witnessed the above functional
performance tests and certify that the item tested has met the performance
requirements in this section of the specifications.
Signature and Date
Contractor's Chief Quality Control Representative _________________________
Contractor's Mechanical Representative
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