durable, 3-ring water-resistant binder. The report shall contain
a table of contents, an executive summary, an introduction, a
results section and a discussion of the results. Include the
Report," "Smoke Test Reports,""Fan Operating Points Reports,"
"Static Pressure Report," "Volume and Velocity Flow Rates Report,"
and"Pitot Traverse Report" as appendices.
Submit field data and report forms in appendices separated by
the fan system tested. Use the sample forms, "Replacement Air
System Test Data" and "Exhaust Air System Test Data," to summarize
the tests for the appropriate fan. Forms other than those listed
during testing. Notify the [Prime Contractor] [Contracting
Officer] in writing, no later than [5] [___] calendar days after
encountering deficiency, describe the nature of the deficiency and
a recommended course of action for resolution. Report daily
temperature, humidity and barometric pressure readings. Note
extreme weather and barometric pressure changes during the day.
SD-07 Certificates
Test agency Qualifications; G
Record of Document Submittal to Testing Agency; G
Work plan; G
List of test instruments; G
Modification of References
Test the industrial ventilation system according to the referenced
publications listed in paragraph entitled "References" and as modified by
this section. Consider the advisory or recommended provisions, of the
referred references, as mandatory.
Test Agency Qualifications
Submit, no later than [15] [___] calendar days after contract award,
information certifying that the test agency is not affliated with any other
company participating in work on this contract. The work of the test
agency shall be limited to testing and making minor adjustments to the
industrial ventilation system.
Use the sample form, "Test Agency Qualifications Sheet," to submit the
following information:
Verification of [5] [10] years of experience as an agency in
testing industrial ventilation systems or current member of either
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