Report leaks in the ductwork, access door, and duct connectors to fan.
Report smoke behavior as it exits from the exhaust stack and describe
entrainment around the tested facility, nearby structures and any
geographical features.
Fan Operating Points Report
Determine the difference between measured and design volume flow rate.
Compare measured fan static pressure to manufacturer's performance data.
Show the design and measured operating point for each fan on the
corresponding fan curve. Report fans that cannot operate at speeds 25
percent faster than the measured speed while remaining within the
boundaries of the fan curve and fan class. Identify fan motors that are
operating at or near full load amperage.
Static Pressure Report
Include the following:
Hood static pressures.
Use tables to summarize test results by
Fan static pressure, as defined by ACGIH-2092S, for replacement
Room static pressure, as compared to [atmosphere] [adjacent
rooms], for each room in the facility.
Static pressures that are inconsistent and the probable reason.
For example:
(1) Inconsistent static pressure drop or increase in one or a
series of hoods on the same branch;
(2) Different static pressures for similar systems in the
facility; and
(3) Decreasing static pressures as the hoods get closer to the
exhaust fan inlet.
Volume and Velocity Flow Rates Report
Report volume flow rates and velocities in standard cubic meters per second
(cms) and meter per second (m/s) cubic feet per minute (cfm) and feet per
minute (fpm), respectively, on the "Exhaust Air System Test Data" sample
form or comparable form.
[Convert measured volume flow rates to standard volume flow rates for
locations with operating conditions other than standard temperature and
pressure. The conversion may be ignored if the volume flow rate changes
less than plus or minus one percent. Show both the actual and standard
value for test points. Show a sample conversion equation.]
Compare [measured] [converted] volume flow rates with the design value for
each hood, the total exhaust air system, each replacement air distribution
point and the total replacement air system. List the [measured]
[converted] and design values in tabular form. Report the transport
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