Manufacturers and contractors shall have constructed not less than three
in this contract collecting flyash produced by [pulverized coal fired
boilers] [[_____] stoker fired boilers] [incinerators] and operating under
the following conditions:
NOTE: Use plus or minus 30 percent for inlet gas
volumes up to and including 23,595 L/s 50,000 acfm
and plus or minus 10 percent for gas volumes over
23,595 L/s 50,000 acfm.
Treating an inlet gas volume within plus or minus [_____] percent
of the inlet gas volume specified in paragraph entitled "Design
Operating in continuous duty, normal maintenance downtime
included, for not less than two years at a minimum efficiency of
98 percent.
Model Study
NOTE: Choose model dust which will follow
to those of the flyash characteristics as specified
in paragraph entitled "Design Criteria." Proper
scaling must include centrifugal and gravity force
effects. Refer to Electric Power Research Institute
Report C5-2427, Development of Guidelines for
Optimum Baghouse Fluid Dynamic System Design, June
1982. In this report, EPRI determined that finely
ground cork dust (200/0 mesh) with a mass mean
diameter of 38.3 um effectively simulates flyash
with a 24.4 um mass mean diameter.
Conduct a three-dimensional model study to analyze and optimize pressure
losses, velocity profiles, and dust flow distribution through the baghouse
system. Model shall represent the system from the [air heater]
[economizer] [_____] outlet to the stack inlet, reduced to not less than
1:100 1/8 scale. Construct model from transparent thermoplastic;
dimensional tolerances shall be plus or minus 1.50 mm 1/16 inch. Perform
tests at 30, 50, 75, 100, and 125 percent of maximum continuous flow rating
using [_____]. Modify the model to minimize system pressure losses and to
provide uniform, within plus or minus 10 percent of the mean, gas flow and
dust flow distribution at baghouse inlet flange, inlet manifold, outlet
manifold, hoppers, and the inlet and outlet of each compartment including
the bag region. Retest to prove minimum system pressure losses, and
uniform gas flow and dust flow distribution. Notify Contracting Officer or
designated Government representative of test dates in writing no less than
15 working days prior tests so that Contracting Officer or designated
Government representative may witness both tests.Incorporate modifications
into final design.
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