seals as required, checking and adjusting settings, standardizing
Insulate and winterize instruments.
If all of the above cannot be completed before startup, the Contractor
shall advise the Contracting Officer in writing 2 weeks before testing.
Dielectric Tests
system, excluding control and recording instruments, shall be subject to a
voltage of twice its rated voltage, plus [500] [_____] volts, for a period
of not less than [1] [_____] minute. Before testing, all instruments and
operating mechanisms that could be damaged shall be disconnected. After
the test, the circuit shall still register a resistance of not less than 1
megohm at [600] [_____] volts dc. This test shall apply between all
insulated circuits and external metal parts.
Control Tests
Boiler shall be tested under actual firing conditions. Tests shall verify
that all controls function within the maximum and minimum limits for
temperature or timing. Unsafe conditions such as high temperatures shall
be simulated during the tests by reducing the settings for activation of
limit and safety controls.
Necessary Temporary Piping
Necessary temporary test piping not less than [100] [_____] mm [4] [_____]
inches in diameter shall be furnished. A steam silencer to exhaust excess
steam to the atmosphere in the event the boiler load is insufficient to
meet the capacity specified shall be provided. A control valve for
exhausting excess steam to atmosphere shall be provided in a convenient
location inside the boiler room.
Test of Deaerating Feedwater Heater
Test of the deaerating feedwater heater shall comply with ASME PTC 12.3 and
demonstrate that the equipment installed shall meet the requirements
specified as to performance, capacity, and quality of effluent. During the
operating test of the boilers, tests shall be conducted to determine oxygen
content in accordance with ASTM D 888, Method A. Boilers shall be operated
at varying loads up to maximum heater capacity while oxygen tests are being
Test of Water Treatment Equipment
Test of water treatment equipment shall meet the requirements specified as
to capacity and quality of effluent. Tests for ion exchange units shall
cover at least two complete regenerations and capacity runs. Boiler water
conditioning shall include chemical treatment and blowdown periods to
prevent scale and corrosion in boilers and in supply and return
distribution systems from the initial start of the system, through the
testing period, and to final acceptance of the completed work. Approved
chemicals and method of treatment shall be used.
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