Efficiency and Capacity Tests
An efficiency and capacity test shall be run on one boiler of each size
installed, conducted in strict accordance with ASME PTC 4, abbreviated
efficiency test, utilizing the input-output method, except for use of
alternate measuring or metering devices properly calibrated before the
test, for the purpose of metering the water used and change in the
temperature of flue gas. Combustion gases entering the heat recovery
boiler shall be analyzed and recorded. Record CO, CO2, H2O, O2, N2, HCl,
SO2 and temperature. Water meter used in the test shall be suitable for
hot water. Efficiency shall be not less than specified. Maximum moisture
content of saturated steam leaving the boiler shall be as specified.
Efficiency and general performance tests on the boilers shall be conducted
by a qualified test engineer. Calibration curves or test results furnished
by an independent testing laboratory of each instrument, meter, gauge, and
thermometer to be used in efficiency and capacity tests shall be furnished
intervals unless otherwise directed. Instruments required for conducting
the boiler tests are contained in ASME PTC 4 and ASME PTC 19.11.
Operating Test
Test shall be full-scale for 24 hours, or longer if required by the
supply the rated amount of steam at the temperature, pressure, and thermal
efficiency specified when the unit is supplied with the rated amount of hot
gases at the specified temperature. The entire unit shall maintain this
efficiency during the entire test period. After [4] [_____] hours,
temperature readings of the outer shell, taken at not less than five random
locations, shall not exceed the temperature limitation specified. Boilers
shall also demonstrate the ability to operate well with the combustion
equipment and to follow changing load demands while maintaining specified
steam temperature and pressure based upon the limitations of the equipment.
At the conclusion of testing, the boilers shall be inspected for
deterioration such as slagged or spalling refractory, warping of parts, and
discolored exterior paint.
NOTE: Local guidelines may dictate the maximum
discharge rate for cleaning chemicals into the
sanitary sewer system.
shall be cleaned of foreign materials. Wherever possible, surfaces in
contact with water shall be wire brushed to remove loose material.
a. The Contractor may use the following procedure or may submit his
own standard procedure for review and approval by the Contracting
Officer. Boilers shall be filled with a solution consisting of the
following proportional ingredients for every 1000 liters gallons of
water and operated at approximately 200 to 350 kPa 30 to 50 psig for a
period of 24 to 48 hours, exhausting steam to the atmosphere:
2875 g 24 pounds caustic soda.
2875 g 24 pounds disodium phosphate (anhydrous).
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