960 g 8 pounds sodium nitrate.
60 g 1/2 pound approved wetting agent.
b. Chemicals in the above proportions or as otherwise approved shall
be thoroughly dissolved in the water before being placed in the
boilers. After the specified boiling period, the boilers shall be
allowed to cool, then drained and thoroughly flushed. Piping shall be
cleaned by operating the boiler for approximately 48 hours, wasting the
c. The Contractor shall provide boiler water conditioning, including
chemical treatment and blowdown during periods of boiler operation to
prevent scale and corrosion in boilers and in supply and return
distribution systems from the initial startup of the system, through
the testing period and to final acceptance of the completed work.
Approved chemicals and method of treatment shall be used.
The Contractor shall provide framed instructions under glass or in
laminated plastic, including wiring and control diagrams showing the
complete layout of the entire system, equipment, piping, valves, and
control sequence. The instructions shall be posted where directed.
procedures, methods of checking the system for normal safe operation, and
procedures for safely starting and stopping the system shall be prepared in
typed form, framed and posted beside the wiring and control diagrams.
NOTE: Consult equipment manufacturers for
recommended time required to train personnel for the
proper operation of the unit and insert number of
A training course shall be provided for designated operating, maintenance,
and supervising staff members. Training shall be provided for a total
period of [_____] hours of normal working time, and shall start after the
system is functionally complete, but prior to final acceptance tests.
Field training shall cover all of the items contained in the approved
operating and maintenance instructions as well as demonstrations of routine
maintenance operations. Field training shall also include recommendations
for total staffing and job descriptions. The Contracting Officer shall be
notified at least 14 days prior to date of proposed conduction of the
training course.
-- End of Section --
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