Feedwater equipment test
Strength and Tightness Tests
Subject [_____] [_____] boilers to the following strength and tightness
Hydrostatic Testing
After installation and connection, subject [_____] [_____] boilers to an
inspection and hydrostatic test to determine that the boiler and
appurtenances have not been damaged in transit or handling. The
pressure applied for a period required by the Contracting Officer. This
[The hydrostatic test at the site shall be certified by an inspector
holding an authorized commission from the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors.]
Pneumatic Testing
Pneumatically test air casing and ducts exterior to the furnace at the
maximum working pressure. Use the soap bubble method to verify tightness.
Test gas side of boiler normally operated under pressure for tightness at
continuous output. For this test, tightly seal the boiler with suitable
means to blank off all openings. Admit air to the boiler until the test
pressure is reached and then hold. If in a 10-minute period the pressure
drop does not exceed 1245 Pa 5 inches water gage, the casing shall be
regarded as tight and accepted. Use air pressure and soap bubble tests or
Internal Component Test
furnished integrally with the boiler at one and one-half times the maximum
system that is furnished integrally with the boiler at operating pressure.
Use the soap bubble test method to verify tightness of the gas system.
Combustion Tests
Test the fuel burning and combustion control equipment with [the] [each of
the] specified fuels at the minimum limit of the turndown range and at
increments of 50, 75, and 100 percent of full rated load [plus [_____]
percent overload]. [The combustion control system shall maintain 25 to 35
percent excess air at 20 percent of full rated load, and at 50, 75, and 100
percent of load shall maintain an excess air below 15 percent.] Tests
shall be conducted by factory-trained combustion equipment engineers as
previously specified. Analyze and graphically present test data to show
for [the] [each] boiler at tested loads: rates of steam flow; flue gas
temperature; percent excess air; steam quality; and percentages of carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen in the flue gas. Test concentrations
of sulfur oxides, particulates, volitiles, and nitrogen oxides in the flue
gas to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local environmental
requirements. Run tests on each fuel after stack temperatures have
stabilized with surroundings. Verify and record conformance to the
combustion requirements of this specification. Verify proper operation of
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