Conform to WQA S-100 and shall have [automatic] [manual] controls. The
softener(s) shall be equipped for [sodium cycle] [hydrogen cycle] [the type
of cycle necessary to provide the treated water analysis specified above].
[Each softener tank shall be provided an operating valve to permit the
regeneration of one tank while the other is in service.]
Lime Soda Softener
NOTE: The type of equipment used shall be left to
the designer and local condition.
Conform to MIL-W-17122 for the type indicated.
Salt Regeneration Dealkalizer
NOTE: The type of equipment used shall be left to
the designer and local conditions.
Provide a salt regeneration dealkalizer as indicated.
Pressure Filter
Provide [a] pressure filters of the type and arrangement indicated, and
with [manual] [automatic] controls. The filter shall conform to FS
WW-F-2849. Performance shall be specified in FS WW-F-2849 with raw water
analysis as specified herein, and operating conditions as indicated.
Filter shall be equipped to operate properly for not less than 2 days
without operator attention to renew or regenerate filter coatings,
chemicals, or other filter media.
Chemical Feeder
Size and connect the chemical feeder as indicated. Chemical feeder shall
be suitable for the flow, pressure, and temperature conditions at the point
of connections. Provide chemical feed storage as indicated. [The feeder
shall be of the [automatic proportioning type] [shot type] conforming to
MIL-F-18113.] [The feeder shall be of metering pump type conforming to
MIL-W-17122 for chemical feeders.]
Feedwater Test Equipment
Provide for determining boiler water condition which includes an assembly
of indicator solutions, standardized solutions and test glassware, with
cabinet. The solution types shall permit tests for water hardness, total
alkalinity, hydroxide, carbonite alkalinity, and chloride content, in parts
per million. Feedwater test equipment shall employ a standardized soap
solution for the hardness test, and a dilute sulfuric acid solution with a
methyl orange indicator for total alkalinity. Hydroxides and carbonate
alkalinity shall be determined with a phenolphthalein indicator, and the
chloride content with a silver nitrate solution. Furnish standardized
phenolphthalein color slides shall be furnished for accuracy in alkalinity
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