NOTE: Select standard efficiency for motors used
less than 750 hours per year and high efficiency for
motors used over 750 hours per year. Packaged
boilers should utilize the manufacturer's standard
efficiency motor.
Motors which are not an integral part of a packaged boiler
shall be rated
for [standard] [high] efficiency service per Section 16402
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Motors which are an integral part of
the packaged
boiler system shall be the highest efficiency available by
the manufacturer
of the packaged boiler.
Arrange work in a neat and orderly manner so that minimum storage space for
equipment and material is required at the project site. Install equipment
and material in accordance with the best commercial practices. Systems
shall be neat in appearance, compact, workmanlike in construction and
assembly, and installed for continuous service. Parts shall be readily
accessible for inspection, repair, and renewal. Inspect equipment and
material upon delivery and test after installation. Protect material and
equipment from the weather. Contractor shall repair any damage to
equipment, building or worksite that occurs during the execution of his
work. Contractor shall leave worksite in a condition equal to or better
than that existing before the work was started.
Equipment Foundations
Locate as shown and construct of sufficient size and weight, and proper
design to preclude shifting of equipment under operating conditions, or
under abnormal conditions which could be imposed upon equipment.
Foundations shall meet requirements of equipment manufacturer. Maintain
equipment vibration within acceptable limits, and shall be suitably damped
and isolated. Grout equipment mounted on concrete foundations before
installing piping. Install piping in such a manner as not to place a
strain on equipment. When foundations submitted by Contractor shop
drawings are different from those shown, submit calculations by the
equipment supplier.
NOTE: Use of the ASME code or the Federal
Construction Guide Specification section on welding
depends upon the agency's requirements.
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number in blank
Work shall be in accordance with [the applicable sections of the ASME BPVC
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