to capacity and quality of effluent. Tests for ion exchange units shall
cover at least two complete regenerations and capacity runs. Test for hot
process or other precipitation type softeners shall cover a minimum
continuous period of 48 hours with samples being taken at 2 hour intervals.
Steam Quality
Test for steam quality and water level stability shall be simultaneous
under the operating conditions specified.
Steam Tests
Tests for boilers over 2068 kPa (gage) 300 psig not used for power
generation or large turbine drives and without super-heaters, shall be made
on steam sampled in accordance with ASTM D 1066, and tested for moisture in
accordance with the calorimetric method outlined in Section 3, ASME PTC
19.11. Conductivity method may be used in lieu of the calorimetric method,
in which case the conductivity of the steam corrected for carbon dioxide
and ammonia content shall not exceed 30 micromhos/cm at 18 degrees C. The
steam for boilers less than 2068 kPa (gage) 300 psig used for power
super-heaters, and for boilers over 2068 kPa (gage) 300 psig, shall be
tested in accordance with the conductivity method in ASTM D 2186, with the
conductivity of the steam corrected for carbon dioxide and ammonia content
not to exceed 4.0 micromhos/cm at 18 degrees C.
Water Level Stability Test
Test shall first be conducted by use of the manual bypass around the
feed-water regulator. Test shall be repeated using the automatic
feed-water regulator. To be acceptable, the boiler should maintain
specified water level stability under both conditions.
Some metric measurements in this section are based on mathematical
conversion of inch-pound measurements, and not on metric measurements
commonly agreed on by the manufacturers or other parties. The inch-pound
and metric measurements shown are as follows:
-- End of Section --
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