Experience Requirements
NOTE: Verify number of manufacturers' installations
operating and years of operation for boiler, forced
draft fan, burner/windbox package and control
systems to avoid an unnecessarily restrictive
experience requirement.
the heating plant, shall be of a proven design; the manufacturer shall be
regularly employed in designing, fabricating, erecting, testing and startup
of the equipment.
Responsibility of the Boiler Manufacturer
Contractor shall ensure that the manufacturers of boiler components and
auxiliaries provide equipment compatible with the boiler. Equipment
includes but is not limited to the following: Blowdown valves,
components, fans, economizer, refractories, insulation, sootblowers, steam
separator, scanner, [air preheater,] dust collector, breeching between
boiler outlet and stack inlet, boiler trim, safety valves and drains.
Standard Commercial Product
Boilers and equipment shall be manufactured in accordance with the
requirements of this specification and shall be the manufacturer's standard
commercial product. Additional or higher quality features which are not
specifically prohibited by this specification, but which are a part of the
manufacturers' standard commercial product, shall be included in the
boilers and equipment being provided. A standard commercial product is a
product which has been sold or is being currently offered for sale on the
commercial market through advertisements or manufacturer's catalogs, or
brochures, and represents the latest production model.
Modification of References
In API Std 650, the advisory provisions shall be considered mandatory, as
though the word "shall" had been substituted for "should" and "suggested"
wherever they appear.
Assembly of Components
The equipment shall be factory assembled except for steam generators which
may utilize factory assembled components to the maximum extent to
facilitate erection and minimize field labor.
Backflow Preventer
Certificates of Approval for each backflow preventer from the Foundation
for Cross-Connection Control Research, University of Southern California,
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