The report shall also include the following information and shall
be taken at least three different times at outside dry-bulb
temperatures that are at least 5 degrees C F apart.
A bound inspection report (216 x 279 mm (8-1/2 x 11 inches)
8-1/2 x 11 inches) at the completion of one year of service. The
report shall identify the condition of the desiccant system and
shall include a comparison of the condition of the desiccant
system with the manufacturer's recommended operating conditions.
SD-07 Certificates
Standard Products[; G][; G, [_____]]
Proof of compliance with ARI, ASHRAE, ASME, or UL requirements
where specified for the system, components, or equipment. The
label or listing of the specified agency shall be acceptable
evidence. In lieu of the label or listing, a written certificate
from an approved, nationally recognized testing organization
equipped to perform such services, shall be submitted stating that
the items have been tested and conform to the requirements and
testing methods of the specified agency. When performance
requirements of this project's drawings and specifications vary
from standard ARI rating conditions, computer printouts, catalog,
or other application data certified by ARI or a nationally
recognized laboratory as described above shall be included. If
ARI does not have a current certification program that encompasses
such application data, the manufacturer shall self certify that
his application data complies with project performance
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
[Six] [_____] complete bound copies (216 x 279 mm (8-1/2 x 11
inches) 8-1/2 x 11 inches) of an operation and maintenance manual
listing step-by-step procedures required for system startup,
operation, maintenance, and shutdown. The manual shall include
the manufacturer's name, model number, parts list, service manual,
and a brief description of all equipment and their basic operating
features. The manual shall include routine maintenance
procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs, and a trouble
shooting guide. The manuals shall include piping and equipment
layouts and simplified wiring and control diagrams of the system
as installed.
NOTE: If the need exists for more stringent
requirements for weldments, delete the first
bracketed statement, otherwise delete the second.
Piping shall be welded in accordance with the qualified procedures, using
performance qualified welders and welding operators in accordance with ASME
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