system and submit for approval.]
Pump shall discharge into discharge chamber shown. System loss
curve(s) furnished includes all losses beyond the discharge elbow.
Losses within the pump shall be determined by the Contractor.]
Priming of siphon will be accomplished [with] [without]
assistance of vacuum equipment.]
NOTE: Select appropriate alternate paragraphs.
Capacities are those determined from earlier design
studies for the station. If hydrology/hydraulic
studies indicate that gross over-capacity may cause
a problem, as in certain discharge chambers, a
maximum capacity should be specified. If a siphon
discharge system is to be used, there should be a
minimum of two design points listed; one for the
priming condition and one for the design operating
The pump shall:
Discharge not less than [[_____] m3/s cfs][[_____] L/s gal/min]
against total head corresponding to [pool-to-pool][a static][bowl]
head of [_____] m feet with water surface in sump at Elevation
[_____] m feet.]
Discharge not less than [[_____] m3/s cfs][[_____] L/s gal/min]
against total head corresponding to [pool-to-pool][static][bowl]
head of [_____] m feet with water surface in sump at Elevation
[_____] m feet.]
Discharge not less than [[_____] m3/s cfs][[_____] L/s gal/min]
against total head corresponding to [pool-to-pool][static][bowl]
head of [_____] m feet with water surface in sump at Elevation
[_____] m feet.]
Be capable of constant-speed operation from total head
corresponding to [pool-to-pool][static][bowl] head of [_____] m
feet down to total head corresponding to
[pool-to-pool][static][bowl] head of [_____] m feet[ with water
surface in sump at Elevation [_____]].]
[Operation of pump at condition "a" may be at the rotative speed, which is
the same as or different from that required to meet condition(s) "b", "c",
and "d".]
NOTE: Submittals must be limited to those necessary
for adequate quality control. The importance of an
item in the project should be one of the primary
factors in determining if a submittal for the item
should be required.
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