[_____] foot length shall be permitted in initiating device circuits. Run
conduit or tubing concealed unless specifically shown otherwise on the
drawings. Shielded wiring shall be utilized where recommended by the
manufacturer. For shielded wiring, the shield shall be grounded at only
one point, which shall be in or adjacent to the FACP. T-taps are permitted
Color coding is required for circuits and shall be maintained throughout
the circuit.
Conductor Terminations
Labeling of conductors at terminal blocks in terminal cabinets, FACP, and
remote fire alarm control units shall be provided at each conductor
connection. Each conductor or cable shall have a shrink-wrap label to
provide a unique and specific designation. Each terminal cabinet, FACP,
and fire alarm control unit shall contain a laminated drawing which
indicates each conductor, its label, circuit, and terminal. The laminated
drawing shall be neat, using 12 point lettering minimum size, and mounted
within each cabinet, panel, or unit so that it does not interfere with the
wiring or terminals. Maintain existing color code scheme where connecting
to existing equipment.
Wiring to Station Telegraphic Fire Alarm Circuit
Wiring from the master fire alarm box to the station telegraphic fire alarm
circuit shall be a two-conductor No. [12] [10] [_____] AWG type UF cable
[in conduit].
Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)
NOTE: For high-rise buildings, locate the FACP in
an emergency control center having one door opening
to the outside.
Provide a complete control panel fully enclosed in a lockable steel
enclosure as specified herein. Operations required for testing or for
front of the enclosure. If more than a single unit is required at a
location to form a complete control panel, the unit enclosures shall match
exactly. [If more than a single unit is required, and is located in the
lobby/entrance, notify the [_____ Division] [EFA _____] Fire Protection
Engineer, via the Contracting Officer, prior to installing the equipment.]
Each control unit shall provide power, supervision, control, and logic for
the entire system, utilizing solid state, modular components, internally
mounted and arranged for easy access. Each control unit shall be suitable
for operation on a 120 volt, 60 hertz, normal building power supply.
Provide each panel with supervisory functions for power failure, internal
component placement, and operation. Visual indication of alarm,
supervisory, or trouble initiation on the fire alarm control panel shall be
by liquid crystal display or similar means with a minimum of 80 characters
of which at least 32 are field changeable.
Install control panel components in cabinets large enough to accommodate
all components and also to allow ample gutter space for interconnection of
panels as well as field wiring. The enclosure shall be identified by an
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