Present sensitivity selected
Sensor range (normal, dirty, etc.)
Duct Smoke Sensors
Duct smoke sensors shall be analog/addressable photoelectric type as
described in paragraph entitled "Photoelectric Smoke Sensors," and shall be
provided in ductwork in accordance with NFPA 90A and in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations.
Smoke Sensor Testing
Smoke sensors shall be tested in accordance with manufacturer's recommended
calibrated test method. Submit smoke sensor testing procedures for
Thermal Sensors
NOTE: Heat detectors provided in elevator machinery
rooms are strictly for the warning sign in the
elevator cab and shall not be connected to the FACP.
Coordinate with Section 14210 and/or Section 14240.
Thermal sensors shall be combination rate-of-rise/fixed
temperature sensing. The alarm condition shall be determined by
comparing sensor valve with the stored values.
A moving average of the sensor's heat sensing value to
automatically compensate for conditions that could affect
detection operations. System shall automatically maintain a
constant heat sensing sensitivity from each sensor by compensating
for environmental factors.
Automatic self-test routines shall be performed on each sensor
which will functionally check sensor sensitivity electronics and
ensure the accuracy of the value being transmitted. Any sensor
that fails this test shall indicate a trouble condition with the
sensor location at the control panel.
An operator at the control panel, having the proper access level,
shall have the capability to manually access the following
information for each heat sensor:
Primary status
Device type
Sensor range ([_____])
An operator at the control panel, having the proper access level,
shall have the capability to manually control the following
information for each heat sensor:
Alarm detection sensitivity values
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